Letting Go of the Life Unlived | Taking Care of Our Wellness and Being

As we go through life, we have our own fair share of expectations of what it’ll look like. We thought of many things that ended up not coming to life because of how hard life is in itself. And often beat ourselves up for all those that could’ve been instead of patting ourselves on the back for all those that have become. Perhaps when you haven’t had a long time in your tenure yet, you thought your first paycheck could afford all those you have in mind. That maybe you thought it could afford the wallet or bag that you...
Here's How You Can Manifest Effectively

It’s 11:11; make a wish! No, we’re just kidding. It’s not 11:11. But, most people cast a wish at this time of day because it is believed to make your wishes come true. So, if you are one of the people who believe in these things, we are not here to make you think otherwise. Instead, we are here to help you cast a wish, even not during 11:11. Manifesting is one of the practices that people believe in making their aspirations come true. It is a process where you have to think of things that you want to achieve...
5 Ways to Live a Happier Life

When we were young, perhaps we thought that life would be like unicorns and rainbows. We look up to our parents and other relatives and envy how they can buy things that they want, like those dolls and toy cars we want to take home from the store. Back in those times, we thought life was uncomplicated because we were, too. But as we grow older, we realize our complex nature and how similar the world is, too. It’s no longer unicorns and rainbows but rather a battle that we all should fight-- regardless of winning or losing. As we...
What Is Meditation?

When you hear the word “meditation,” what comes into your mind? For some, they associate it with cultural beliefs. For others, they connect it with religious practices. Meanwhile, for most, it entails practicing self-consciousness to achieve its highest extent. There are different types of meditation that many people practice differently. But in general, meditation is the set of techniques that people use to achieve a particular aspect or point in their life. This pinnacle is subjective to whoever practices it but it is true in its deepest sense-- meditation is different according to people who practice it. So, it means...
How To Incorporate Rituals Into Your Daily Life

Life is made up of routines and habits that we eventually unlearn and learn every day. Others often lose track of time because of how used they are to the practices they stick to every day already. Meanwhile, for some, they only cater to those that happen spontaneously during the day per se. Routines are what steer our day to tomorrow. For others, it is what makes them feel accomplished, while for some, it locks them in a box they can’t seem to get out of. Regardless, routines are boring. There, we said it already. It is monotonous, and it...