News — What is smudging

The Art of Smudging: A Beginner's Guide

Full Ritual Kit How to Smudge Smudging What is smudging White Sage

The Art of Smudging: A Beginner's Guide

Smudging is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries by many indigenous cultures around the world to purify and cleanse a space or an individual. The process involves burning sage or other cleansing herbs and allowing the smoke to fill the room or surround the person, in order to clear negative energy and promote peace, calm, and well-being.

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White Sage vs. Blue Sage

Blue Sage Smudging for beginners What is smudging White Sage

White Sage vs. Blue Sage

White sage and blue sage are both types of sage that are commonly used for spiritual and medicinal purposes. However, there are some key differences between the two....

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