The Connection between Cleansing Herbs and Astrology

The Connection between Cleansing Herbs and Astrology

Herbs have been used for centuries to cleanse and purify spaces, promoting peace and positive energy. But did you know that astrology also plays a role in determining which herbs are best for cleansing? In this blog, we'll explore the connection between cleansing herbs and astrology, and show you how to choose the right herbs for your zodiac sign.

Herbs and Astrology

Each zodiac sign has unique energies and qualities, and choosing the right herbs for your sign can enhance the cleansing and purifying properties of your herbs. 

For example, a fiery Aries may benefit from the grounding properties of sage, while an imaginative Pisces may prefer the mystical energy of palo santo.

Here's a guide to the best cleansing herbs for each zodiac sign:

Aries: Sage, basil, and rosemary. These herbs are grounding and help to balance the fiery energy of Aries.

Taurus: Lavender, rose, and Yerba Santa. These herbs are calming and promote a peaceful energy, helping to balance the sensual and practical nature of Taurus.

Gemini: Lemongrass, Rosemary, and rose. These herbs are uplifting and promote clarity of thought, helping to balance the dual nature of Gemini.

Cancer: Sage, Palo Santo, and Rosemary. These herbs are grounding and promote a sense of security, helping to balance the emotional nature of Cancer.

Leo: Sage, cinnamon, and frankincense. These herbs are warming and promote confidence, helping to balance the dramatic energy of Leo.

Virgo: Yerba Santa, Rosemary, and Cedar These herbs are calming and promote a sense of balance, helping to balance the practical nature of Virgo.

Libra: Cedar,  Yerba Santa, and lavender. These herbs are calming and promote balance, helping to balance the harmonious energy of Libra.

Scorpio: Sage, rosemary, and Cedar. These herbs are grounding and promote a sense of security, helping to balance the intense energy of Scorpio.

Sagittarius: Sage, lavender, and chamomile. These herbs are calming and promote peace, helping to balance the adventurous energy of Sagittarius.

Capricorn: Rosemary, basil, and frankincense. These herbs are grounding and promote stability, helping to balance the practical energy of Capricorn.

Aquarius: Eucalyptus, rosemary, and lavender. These herbs are uplifting and promote clarity of thought, helping to balance the unconventional energy of Aquarius.

Find your cleansing herb match here

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