Space Cleansing and Feng Shui with Cleansing Herbs and Candles

Space Cleansing and Feng Shui with Cleansing Herbs and Candles

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that seeks to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. It involves the arrangement and design of spaces, such as homes and workplaces, in a way that balances the flow of energy, or "qi," and creates a positive and nurturing environment. Feng Shui incorporates elements such as color, light, furniture placement, and the use of natural elements, to create a sense of balance and well-being.

Feng shui and space cleansing are traditional practices that have been used for centuries to create a harmonious and balanced living environment. Cleansing herbs and candles are two powerful tools that can help you achieve this. They can be used separately or together to purify your space and bring positive energy into your home or workplace.

Cleansing Herbs

Cleansing herbs are plants that have been used for centuries for their purifying properties. Some common cleansing herbs include sage, palo santo, cedar, and lavender. These herbs are burned to release their fragrance, which purifies the air and removes negative energy. Cleansing herbs can be used to cleanse a room, a house, or even an entire property.

To use cleansing herbs, light the herbs and allow the smoke to fill the room. You can use a bowl or a smudging wand to hold the herbs. As you move around the room, fan the smoke into every corner and into all the nooks and crannies. Repeat the process in each room until you have cleansed the entire space.


Candles are another powerful tool for space cleansing and feng shui. They can be used to create a calming atmosphere, to set the mood for meditation or relaxation, and to purify the air. The use of candles in space cleansing and feng shui is all about choosing the right color and scent. Different colors and scents have different properties and can bring different energies into your space.

For example, white candles symbolize purity and are often used for cleansing and purification. Green candles are associated with growth and abundance, while red candles are associated with passion and energy. When choosing a scent, consider the purpose of the candle. For example, lavender is often used for relaxation and stress relief, while peppermint is associated with energy and focus.


Using cleansing herbs and candles for space cleansing and feng shui is a simple and effective way to create a harmonious and balanced living environment. Whether you use them separately or together, these tools can help you purify your space, bring positive energy into your home or workplace, and create a more peaceful and calming atmosphere. Experiment with different herbs and candles to find the right combination for your needs and preferences.

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