Journal Prompts and Why They're Important in Mindfulness

Countless people enjoy writing as a form of releasing their emotions. It may not be for everyone, but many benefit from it and a whole lot of others who try to influence their network.

Some practice journaling to take note of their deadlines and requirements. It helps them be more mindful of the things they need to get done, and it also makes them feel pumped so they eventually can cross it off to finish them earlier.

Meanwhile, others practice journaling in the name of putting their thoughts and emotions out in the open. It helps them refrain from being a bottle of emotions which is actually a form of dealing with it healthily.

With all these being said, we will discuss in this article the importance of journaling in practicing mindfulness and some prompts that can help you move forward in doing it for a far, longer term.

What is the importance of mindfulness?

Mindfulness helps people in knowing what matters most. Thus, it is essential because it allows people to prioritize and assess their system to understand what works best and what doesn’t. Additionally, it helps people deal with their emotions better to approach depression, melancholy, anxiety, and stress a little lighter.

Its benefit and importance vary from one to another, but it mainly helps people in being better in terms of managing their emotions and response to specific situations, such as when met with problems. 

How can journaling help in being mindful?

Journaling allows people to have a non-judgmental platform to store their emotions and feelings at. Sometimes, it is hard to open up to people because our time prevents us, fearing being judged. Through journaling, people can still express their emotions without holding back in the name of being respected and kept private.

Most people, especially in high school, are prone to be met with people they consider as friends but aren’t. These are insecure people masked as friends so that they can fish information out of you and embarrass you out in the open. Consequently, this pushes people to refrain from leaning on someone.

Through journaling, people no longer have to hold back as their only audience is their future self, who can flip through their journals, whether traditional or digital. 

Why are journal prompts significant?

Journal prompts are essential because it helps people have something to start with. Sometimes, it gets overwhelming to the point that they may end up not doing it at all just because they don’t know where to start. With journal prompts, people can guide what to talk about and eventually let their thoughts flow naturally. It serves as a kick-starter that helps them move forward without being overwhelmed in choosing where to begin.

Samples of journal prompt you can use

There are many journal prompts available online, but we have compiled the top 4 that we believe can significantly benefit you in conditioning your mindset towards openness, growth, and acceptance.

I am…

This prompt can significantly help with accountability. Starting with I am… and continuing t with adjectives that make you feel empowered enables you to talk yourself into believing that you are capable and in control.

For example, you can write “I am brave” and continue by listing why. That way,  you can look back at it and remember how many you’ve already overcome and how capable you are in overcoming even more.

Sometimes, we all need a reminder of what we can do to the point that we say words we want to hear. So instead of expecting others to say it to you back, tell it to yourself instead. And hold on to it tight.

I am not…

This prompt helps in keeping you on track. Sometimes, we get swayed with the words of others, and this prompt helps in reminding us that we are not who they think we are, and the only determining factor is us. We choose who we are, and we make who we are.

For example, you can write “I am not what they think you are” and continue it with how you control the way you act and think, but not how they process it. Sometimes, people misunderstand simple things as complex ones. And although we can control the way we conduct ourselves, we can’t control the way they perceive it.

What we can do instead is to pacify ourselves and try to assess what else we can do if we are willing to make amends and be in harmony with the people around us. Just remember, however, that you owe no one an apology or justification for who you are. You do you.

One of the things that makes me happy is…

This prompt helps you identify the things that can make you feel good. Sometimes, we are too busy. We no longer do things that make us feel a little less tired, a little less busy. It helps us be aware of the things that spark joy to make or do more of that.

For example, you can write, “One of the things that makes me happy is playing with my dog.” When you write that, then you have already figured out the thing that you should continue doing more often so that you can be happier despite all that.

Today, I am grateful for…

This prompt helps people be more thankful for the things that they often overlook in life. It helps people be more mindful of what they have and certainly be more aware of what matters most.

For example, you can write “Today, I am grateful for burning sage” and include why you think so. Sage burning helps clear the energy present in your space so that only positive energy remains, and there is enough space to hold more.

With this, you can end the day with a lighter heart and a much more positive mindset. This greatly helps in life because it helps you have a ground to work on and something to get back to when you feel drowned with life’s shenanigans. 

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